Chris Murphy Receives NARAL Endorsement

HARTFORD — U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) received the endorsement of NARAL at an event in New Haven on Friday. Murphy joined Executive Director of NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut Sarah Croucher and advocates for a discussion on what’s at stake for women’s health care following a week of Senate hearings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

“I heard loud and clear today from women across Connecticut that they’re sick of Washington trying to tell them what they can and can’t do with their bodies. The nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is a red light alert for women’s health care and reproductive rights. I’m proud to have the support of NARAL as we fight back against the Trump administration’s extreme attacks on women’s choice and access to health care,” said Murphy.

“Senator Murphy is a champion for Connecticut women and families, and we are proud to endorse his re-election,” said Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America. “In the midst of a barrage of of attacks on our rights at every level, and Roe v Wade hanging in the balance, Senator Murphy has been outspoken in his commitment to vote against Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, who would be a sure fire vote to gut Roe v Wade. Murphy has doubled down on being a steadfast ally in making reproductive freedom a reality for every Connecticutian. Senator Murphy knows that a woman’s ability to make her own healthcare decisions is key in making her an equal partner in society and he has never backed down from a fight when it comes to safeguarding that right. We know Senator Murphy has our back and we have his. NARAL and our members across Connecticut are proud to support him and we look forward to helping him win on November 6th.”

“Senator Murphy was a champion for reproductive rights when he was in the Connecticut legislature and he continues to fight for our rights as a U.S. Senator. We are proud of the work he is doing to stand up for our values, particularly in his strong stance against Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. We look forward to Senator Murphy being re-elected and continuing to work on behalf of the rights of women across our state,” Sarah Croucher, Executive Director, NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut.
